Does Your Home Smell Like Something Died?
Bucks Pest Management offers a full carcass removal service. We go through your roof and find where the smell is coming from, find the carcass, remove and dispose of it and deodorise the roof to mask the smell that’s left over. Whether it is a dead rodent or possum, we can remove the problem and remove the smell.
Keep Your Home Hygienic & Safe
Our carcass removal service ensures that your home hygiene is not compromised by an animal that has died in the roof. It’s not uncommon for a rat, mouse, possum or other animal to make it’s way into your roof and pass away. The decomposing carcass leaves a horrible odour and when you can’t figure out where it is coming from, you get rightfully concerned. Contact us today and we can help you sort any carcass removal problems you have in Perth!

Remove Dead Rodents & Other Dead Animals From Hard-To-Find Places
When most people start to smell a dead animal, they will look behind furniture, appliances and other areas to try and remove the source, but after you’ve exhausted all those avenues, then it’s safe to say that the smell is probably coming from the roof, the walls or under the home. No matter where the smell is coming from, we can help you find the culprit and remove the carcass. Get in touch with us today and get rid of that awful smell.